Heading south after launching from Hwy 102

Looking Northwest just after sunset

The island

Heading to the Southwest corner

Looking back at the island

The Big Rib River flows out beyond the algae and weeds.

The crescent moon above the trees.

Heading northeast

Another twilight shot.

Heading north back to Hwy 102


Rib Lake

Peter Johnson
July 30th, 2022
Hwy 102
Hwy 102
~1.5 miles
1.25 hrs

Rib Lake is a lake on its namesake town, Rib Lake. The northern half of the shoreline either consists of Hwy 102 or houses along the shoreline. The water is free of weeds and algae. On the southeast part of the lake, there is a small island.

Paddling toward the southwest corner of the lake towards the Big Rib River, weeds and algae appear and gain in intensity heading towards the river outflow. I was not able to paddle to the river due to the thickness of seaweed. Heading back to the car and along the town, the weeds disappear and there is more development.

Rib Lake is easy to paddle and is a calm lake. During twilight hours there are nice views. However, there are quite a few other lakes nearby that are more scenic. But it’s a lot easier to access than most since it is on a paved road (most rural roads are gravel in the area) and a simple trip especially for someone that it is just starting out.

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